Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Informasi Dataset
Dataset Serupa
Study on The Effect of Pollutants on The Production of Aaptamines and The Cytoto...
This experiment was conducted to study the effects of anthropogenic stressor on ...
The Phylogenetic Study of New Guinean Species of Endiandra (Lauraceae) and Its R...
Endiandra species from New Guinea consist of species which vary in vegetative an...
The importance of the Banda Sea for tuna fisheries : A review of studies on the ...
Tuna exploitation in the Banda Sea has been started when Indonesia government ga...
Characteristic of Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Heat Rolled Laterit...
Indonesia has the most laterite ore reserves in the world. The element originate...
A list of the most-studied and the least studied Sulawesi mammals
The document contains a list of most and least studied Sulawesi mammals based on...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Study on The Starch Granules Morphology of Local Varieties of Dioscorea hispida and Dioscorea alata
This study is to obtain more information regarding variation on shape, size and type of starch granules of some D. alata and D. hispida local varieties; so that their potentials
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