Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Tanaman suku Annonaceae (Sirsak-sirsakan) termasuk tanaman biofarmaka non rimpan...
Perairan Indonesia memiliki keragaman jenis hiu yang cukup tinggi. Setidaknya 11...
Micromilum adalah salah satu marga yang tergolong dalam suku Rutaceae (Jeruk-jer...
Ichthyofauna study has been conducted at 11 freshwater ecosystems, consisted of ...
Trevesia termasuk tumbuhan suku mangkok-mangkokan (Araliaceae), yang unik dan me...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Suku Balsaminaceae di Jawa : Status Taksonomi dan Konservasinya
Study on the taxonomy and conservation status of Balsaminaceae in Java has been carried out. Based on the Literature study, herbarium specimeen deposited at Herbarium Bogoriense-LIPI (BO) and several field works in Java, there were two genera of Balsaminaceae found in Java namely, the monotypic Hydrocera triflora and the prolific Impatiens. The Impatiens consisted of seven species, i.e. Impatiens arriensii, I. chonoceras, I. radicans, I. javensis, I. wallerana, . platypetala and I. balsamina. Three species among them, Impatiens arriensii, I. radicans and I. chonoceras were endemic and threatened in their habitat, while I. microceras has been extinct in the wild. The species Impatiens arriensii was transferred from the genus Semeiocardium. Berita Biologi Vol. 13 No. 1, April 2014