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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Monitoring of Algal Blooms and Massive Fish Kill in the Jakarta Bay, Indonesia u...

The water environment in the Jakarta Bay gets more and more stress due to heavy ...

Leaf Surface Comparison of Three Genera Araceae in Indonesia

Alocasia, Colocasia and Remusatia are the genera of Araceae family which have hi...

Three new species of Lentipes from Indonesia

Three new species of Lentipes (L. argenteus, L. ikeae and L. mekonggaensis), fre...

Three New Species Of Rainbowfishes (Melanoteniidae) From The Birds Head Peninsul...

Three new species of melanotaeniid rainbowfishes are described from fresh waters...

A New Species of Pseudocalotes (Squamata: Agamidae) from the Bukit Barisan Range...

We describe a new species of Pseudocalotes from montane forests of the central, ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

The Comparison of Bathymetric Estimation from Three High Resolution Satellite Imagery


This Study was using three high resolution satellite imagery to estimate bathymetric condition at shollow water coral reef environment around Pulau Panggang, Jakarta. The Worldviww 2 supplay 2 m spasial resolution with 8 spectral band, whereas Quikbird 2 produce 2.44 m spatial resolution in 4 spectral and and ALOS produce 10 m spasial resolution with also 4 spectral band. Red band of ALOS and Quickbird hae high correlation with sand depth and the lowest are blue bands. Among this bands, Quickbird red band is the highest and its blue band is the lowest. Worldview visible bands may have low sand depth correlation because of noise from ripple wave during acquisition. This study shown that, Quickbird image is proven able to map water depth variation up to 8 metre at reef flat and lagoon area of Panggang island, Jakarta with RMSe is 1.1 metre. The result also shown on oppoertunity to implement this approch to bathymetric mapping of shallow water area at remote small islands. Proceedings International Seminar on Hydrography. Hal. 1-11

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