Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Strike-slip fault system of Sumatran Fault Zone related with the genesa of lakes...
Genetic analysis of Mitochondrial DNA diversity in Sumatran elephant (Elephas ma...
Mangroves and estuary ecosystem in East Lombok which are appointed as Local Mari...
Birds react differentlyto adapt to land-use changes. One of the reactions is the...
Delta merupakan bagian dari ekosistem estuari, kondisinya dipengaruhi regim hidr...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
The Geometry of Pull-Apart Basins in the Southern Part of Sumatran Strike-Slip Fault Zone
Models of pull-apart basin geometry have been described by many previous studies in a variety tectonic setting. 2D geometry of Ranau Lake represents a pullapart basin in the Sumatran Fault Zone. However, there are unclear geomorphic traces of two sub-parallel overlapping strike-slip faults in the boundary of the lake. Nonetheless, clear geomorphic traces that parallel to Kumering Segment of the Sumatran Fault are considered as inactive faults in the southern side of the lake. I demonstrate the angular characteristics of the Ranau Lake and Suoh complex pullapart basins and compare with pull-apart basin examples from published studies. I use digital elevation model (DEM) image to sketch the shape of the depression of Ranau Lake and Suoh Valley and measure 2D geometry of pull-apart basins. This study shows that Ranau Lake is not a pull-apart basin, and the pull-apart basin is actually located in the eastern side of the lake. Since there is a clear connection between pullapart basin and volcanic activity in Sumatra, I also predict that the unclear trace of the pull-apart basin near Ranau Lake may be covered by Ranau Caldera and Seminung volcanic products. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 118. Hal. 1-5