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The Influence Of Deposition Time And Substrate Temperature Upon Spray Pyrolysis ...

Transparent conducting oxide (TCO) glasses play important role in many recent mo...

The Effect Of Various Precursors And Solvents On The Characteristics Of Fluorine...

Transparent conductive oxide (TCO) glass is one of most important components in ...

The Effect of Substrate Heating Temperature upon Spray Pyrolysis Process on the ...

Transparent conductive oxide (TCO) is one of the main components in the dye sens...

The Effect of Powder Particle Size on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of ...

Abstract. Commercially, NdFeB powder (type MQP-B+) with difference in particle s...

Utilization of Sweet Sorghum Bagasse and Citric Acid in the Manufacturing of Par...

Sweet sorghum bagasse (SSB) and citric acid (CA) were used as sustainable raw ma...

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The influence of Sb doping on the structural, optical and electrical properties of Tin Oxide Thin Films


Antimony (Sb) doped tin oxide (ATO) is one transparent material that has gained its popularity more recently due to their great technological importance. High transparency in the visible light, high concentration and mobility of electron makes ATO as an important material for the field of transparent conducting oxide, flat-panel display, solar cell, architectural windows optoelectronic devices and gas sensor. In this study, Sb doped-tin oxide (ATO) thin films has been fabricated by low cost and simple, ultrasonic spray pyrolysis method. SnO2 thin films have been deposited with three different Sb doping concentrations namely 1, 2, and 3 wt persen. The structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of these films have been analyzed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, UV-VIS and four point probe instruments. Based on the optical and electrical properties results, it was seen that the optimum Sb doping concentration is 2 wt persen because the transmittance is above 80 persen at all wavelength range and the electrical resistivity as low as 0.663 x 10-3 ohm cm. the 2nd International Symposium on Frontier of Applied Physics (ISFAP 2016), IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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