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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Utilization of Sweet Sorghum Bagasse and Citric Acid for Manufacturing of Partic...

Development of environmentally friendly particleboard made from sweet sorghum ba...

Utilization of Sweet Sorghum Bagasse and Citric Acid Formanufacturing of Particl...

Recently, the investigation of wood-based composites produced using agricultural...

The Kraft Pulp and Paper Properties of Sweet Sorghum Bagasse (Sorghum bicolor L ...

This study investigated the potency of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) bagasse a...

Post-treatment Effect of Particleboard on Dimensional Stability and Durability P...

In general, the weakness of particleboard using urea formaldehyde (UF) resin has...

The Physical, Mechanical and Durability Properties of Sorghum Bagasse Particlebo...

The decrease of wood supply leads to find out the alternative raw material for p...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Utilization of Sweet Sorghum Bagasse and Citric Acid in the Manufacturing of Particleboard. III: Influence of Adding Sucrose on the Properties of Particleboard


Sweet sorghum bagasse (SSB) and citric acid (CA) were used as sustainable raw materials in the development of environmentally friendly particleboard. Sucrose was added to improve the mechanical and physical properties of the particleboard. The effects of the weight ratio between CA and sucrose on the physical properties of the particleboards were investigated. The mechanical properties of particleboards bonded with adhesives at 15/85 and 10/90 wt. persen ratios of CA to sucrose were superior to particleboard with other ratios. The thickness swelling of the particleboard increased with an increasing sucrose ratio. Moreover, the physical properties of the particleboard were comparable to those of particleboard bonded using phenol formaldehyde (PF) resin and satisfied the requirements of the type 18 JIS A 5908 (2003) standard. Also, the brittleness of the particleboard was decreased by adding sucrose. Low formaldehyde emission and biological durability against termites and decay were obtained by particleboard under suitable ratios of CA to sucrose. According to the results from thermal analysis and infrared spectra measurement, reactions leading to ester linkages occurred among the CA, sucrose, and SSB components. BioResource, Vol. 12, No. 4. Hal. 7498-7514

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