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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Genetic Variability among 18 Cultivars of Cooking Bananas and Plaintains by RAPD...

This study was done to assess the molecular diversity of 36 accessions (18 culti...

First Record of Hose’s Civet Diplogale hosei from Indonesia, and Records of Othe...

One of the least-recorded carnivores in Borneo, Hose’s Civet Diplogale hosei, wa...

Exploration of Unutilized Fast Growing Wood Species from Secondary Forest in Cen...

Fast growing wood species has become more promising as alternative wood sources ...

Composition of seed bank in the Sebangau peat Swamp Forest, Central Kalimantan

With the increasing human population, the destruction of forests is a fact that ...

The Level of Humic Acid at Various Type of Inland Waters in Central Kalimantan

A study on elucidation of variation of humic acid concentration in various type ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

The Occurrence of Hybrid in Nepenthes hookeriana Lindl. from Central Kalimantan Can Be Detected by RAPD and ISSR Markers


Nepenthes spp. (Nepenthaceae) is one of the most popular ornamental plants in Southeast Asia. There are 97 species of Nepenthes to which 64 are found in Indonesia with the center of its diversity located in Borneo. N. x hookeriana was hypothesised to be a natural hybrid between N. ampullaria and N. rafflesiana on the basis of morphological characters. Several variants of each species were also known. This present study aimed to detect the occurrence of hybrid within N. x hookeriana ‘spotted’ and ‘green’ variant using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR). Five RAPD primers and three ISSR primers were used to amplify total DNA genome and produced 83 polymorphic bands ranging in size from 300-1700 bp. Clustering analysis was performed based on RAPD and ISSR profiles using the UPGMA method. The genetic similarity of the combined markers range between 0.30-0.75 indicatin a narrow range of genetic similarity among the accessions. Results from cluster analyses suggested that N. x hookeriana was indeed a hybrid between N. ampullaria and N. Rafflesiana however it was genetically more similar to N. raflessiana. Hayati Journal of Biosciences. Vol. 19 No. 1. March 2012. P: 18-24. EISSN: 2086-4094

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