Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Wood treatment and soil barrier are very important applications to protect struc...
How insects evolve resistance or counterresistance against antagonists is a basi...
The efforts in establishing sustainable pest management drive termite control no...
The nesting biology of the drywood termite, Incisitermes minor, is poorly unders...
Termite nest architecture has important biological attributes, as the whole stru...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
The Resistance of Polystyrene Treated Sandoricum koetjape and Durio zibethinus Woods Against Decaying Fungi and Termites
The study was aimed to investigate the resistance of styrene monomer impregnation of Sandoricum koetjape and Durio zibethinus woods initiated by K2S2O8 (sodium peroxodisulfat) against termite and fungi. The wood specimens were vacuumed for 30 minutes, pressurized at 10 atmospheres for 1 hour, and put in to the closed pressure device for 15 minutes. The wood specimens were wrapped in an aluminum foil and heated at 600C for 24 hours to allow in situ polymerization. Styrene treated-woods were then subjected to brown rot fungus (Fomitopsis polustris) and white rot fungus (Trametes versicolor) according to Japanese Industrial Standard of wood preservation evaluation (JIS K 1571 2004). Wood specimens were also bioassayed against dry wood (Cryptotermes sp) and subterranean termites (Coptotermes sp) in accordance with Indonesian standard to determine its termite resistance. The investigation revealed that styrene monomer treated-woods demonstrated an increase in its decay fungi and termite durability. Especially the treated-durian wood which had below to 3% of weight loss and approved could with stand from white rot infestation. The 2nd International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere. Hal. 14-22 ISSN 2088-9127