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Calcium Extraction From Brine Water And Seawater Using Oxalic Acid

Calcium can be extracted not only from rocks but also from natural liquor such a...

Calcium Extraction from Brine Water and Seawater Using Oxalic Acid

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Chemical Profile by LC-MS/MS and Some Bioactivities from Leafs of Kolowe (Chyden...

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The Synthesis of Calcium Salt from Brine Water by Partial Evaporation and Chemical Precipitation


In this study would be investigated the effects of partial evaporation and chemical precipitation in the formation of calcium salt from brine water resources. The chemical reagents used in the study was oxalate acid (C2H2O4), ammonium carbonate (NH4)2CO3) and ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) with reagent concentration of 2 N, respectively. The procedure was 10 liters brine water evaporated until 20 persen volume and continued with filtration process to separate brine water filtrate from residue (salt). Salt resulted from evaporation process was characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) techniques. Filtrate then was reacted with C2H2O4, (NH4)2CO3 and NH4OH reagents to get salt products in atmospheric condition and variation ratio volume brine water/chemicals (v/v) [10/1; 10/5; 10/10; 10/20; 10/30; 10:50; 20/1; 20/5; 20/10; 20/20; 20/30; 20:50]. The salt product than were filtered, dried, measured weights and finally characterized by SEM/EDS and XRD techniques. The result of experiment showed the chemical composition of brine water from Tirta Sanita, Bogor was 28.87 persen Na, 9.17 persen Mg, 2.94 persen Ca, 22.33 persen O, 0.71 persen Sr, 30.02 persen Cl, 1.51 persen Si, 1.23 persen K, 0.55 persen S, 1.31 persen Al. The chemical composition of salt resulted by partial evaporation was 53.02 persen Ca, 28.93 persenO, 9.50 persen Na, 2.10 persen Mg, 1.53 persen Sr, 1.20 persen Cl, 1.10 persen Si, 0.63 persen K, 0.40 persen S, 0.39 persen Al. The salt resulted by total evaporation was indicated namely as NaCl. Whereas salt resulted by partial evaporation was CaCO3 with a purity of 90 persen from High Score Plus analysis. In the experiment by chemical precipitation was reported that the reagents of ammonium carbonate were more reactive for synthesizing calcium salt from brine water compared to reagents of oxalate acid and ammonium hydroxide. The salts precipitated by NH4OH, (NH4)2CO3, and H2C2O4 reagents were indicated as NaCl, CaCO3 and CaC2O4.H2O, respectively. The techniques of partial evaporation until 20 persen volume sample of brine water and chemical precipitation using (NH4)2CO3 reagent are recommended in the synthesis of calcium salts from brine water because are simple, flexible and economical. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17 6 (2017 ) 012040

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