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Dataset Serupa
Detection of Cryptic Taxa in Leptobrachium nigrops (Amphibia, Anura, Megophryida...

We evaluated taxonomic relationships among allopatric populations of Leptobrachi...

Influence of Austenitizing Heat Treatment on Properties of the Tempered 410-1Mo ...

The modified 410-1Mo stainless steels has been developed with higher tensile str...

Genetic Variation Of Populations Of Scutellaria Slametensis And S. Discolor (Lam...

Genetic variation within and between populations of Scutellaria slametensis Suda...

Genetic Variation of Populations of Scutellaria Slametensis and S. Discolor (Lam...

Genetic variation within and between populations of Scutellaria slametensis Suda...

Effect Of Different Types Of Feed On Growth, Survival And Digestive Enzyme Activ...

Oxyeleotris marmoratus adalah ikan gobioid air tawar yang terbanyak dan termahal...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Two Types of Satellites Chromosome on Nine Taxa of Salvia (Lamiaceae)


Nine species of Salvia i.e. Salvia japonica, S. lutescens, S. pygmaea, S. isensis, S. hayatana, S. arisanensis,S. nipponica, S. glabrescens and S. plebeia, were analyzed from the view points of chromosome morphology. Chromosome number of nine Salvia are 2n = 16, of which size was relatively small ranging from 0.92 to 3.83 11m, and included two types of satellite chromosomes. Some individuals of S. japonica (YAZ) at the pop. Yamazaki showed peculiar satellite chromosomes (8 type) compared with the other individuals of s. japonica, S. glabrescens and S. pygmaea (A type). Remaining species of Salvia has not satellite chromosomes. Salvia japonica at population Yamazaki had a larger chromosome size (3.83 J-lm). 7th Basic Science National Seminar Proceeding. Malang, 20 Februari 2010. hal. 550-552

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