Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Tropical reservoir is the one ecosystem which is functioning in both ecological ...
Holocene mangrove dynamics in the Makassar Strait and developmental history of p...
The pinworms of the genus Syphacia are of special interest because they have coe...
The aim of this study is expected to provide information about the waters condit...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Water Quality Profiles And The Reservoir Utilization With Special References To Jatiluhur, Cirata And Saguling Reservoirs
Reservoir is one of the unique ecosystems which are functioning in both ecological and economic services. The objective of this study is to analyze the hydrological characteristics represented by Jatiluhur, Cirata and Saguling as cascade reservoirs. Surveys at Jatilhur, Cirata and Saguling reservoirs were conducted on July 2014, March 2015 and September 2015, respectively. Meanwhile, The results on the survey in Jatiluhur, Cirata and Saguling reservoirs showed that the average depths are 32.9 m, 34.9 m and 17.9 m, respectively. Jatiluhur reservoir covers 7,780 ha of area with maximum depth of 90 m. Meanwhile, Cirata reservoir covers approximately 6,200 ha of area with maximum depth of 106 m. In addition, Saguling reservoir covers approximately 4,869 ha of area with maximum depth of 90 m. All of those reservoirs serve as important hydroelectricity power. Next, the percentage value of fish cages at Cirata reservoir was larger (3.95 persen) than those at Jatiluhur (1.00 persen) and Saguling (0.70 persen) reservoirs. It indicated the potential impact from fish cages as pollutant at those reservoirs. In addition, based on water quality profiles (dissolve oxygen/DO, Chl-a and temperature), upwelling caused water quality degradation. In order to maintain the sustainability of the lake, basic ecological information is necessary for the next study. Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Masyarakat Limnologi Indonesia 2015