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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Anatomical Characteristics and Chemical Properties of the Branch-Wood of Schizol...

The scale of forest degradation and deforestation in Indonesia has inspired the ...

Nutrition Properties And The Prospect Of Six Amorphophallus Species Of Tubers In...

Amorphophallus is perennial tuber crop and a member of the Araceae family. There...

Physical-Mechanical, Durability and Electrical Properties of Polystyrene Eugenia...

The study is to evaluate the properties of Eugenia sp (Ki Bolong) wood which was...

Thermal and Mechanical Properties Improvement of Polylactic Acid-Nanocellulose b...

Microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) is nano-sized cellulose fibers which have high ...

Carboxymethylation of Microfibrillated Cellulose to Improve Thermal and Mechanic...

Composite of polylactic acid (PLA) reinforced with microfibrillated cellulose (M...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Wood Characteristic of Superior Sengon Collection and Prospect of Wood Properties Improvement through Genetic Engineering


Many tree breeding programs ranging from conventional to molecular genetics approach were applied to produce clone or tree genetic industrially desirable wood. This study was aimed to evaluate the wood properties of selected sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) tree which has high score of growth parameter and stem form and to evaluate stem properties of transgenic sengon and mangium (Acacia mangium) overexpressing wall hydrolases. Physical and chemical wood properties including basic density, shrinkage and thickness swelling, estimated stand volume, cellulose, lignin and water content were examined for two selected plus tree sengon namely PI and PII, which were grown at Germ Plasm Collection Garden of Research Centre for Biotechnology - LIPI. Both of two sengon tree has high value of estimated stand volume and basic density (0.43 and 0.49 g/cm3). The PII tree has lower lignin and water content than P I. Cellulase overexpression in sengon and xyloglucanase overexpression in mangium could alter stem cell walls composition. Transgenics mangium stem have higher cellulose content (37.70~53.64%) and lower hemicelluloses content (30~40%) than the wild type. Wood Research Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2. Hal. 103-105

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