Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
The decrease of wood supply leads to find out the alternative raw material for p...
Limited information of wood basic properties was believed as a dominant factor t...
Many tree breeding programs ranging from conventional to molecular genetics appr...
Simpur wood or Dillenia sp, as one of the Indonesian fast growing tree species, ...
The alpha-beta Ti-6Al-4V alloy has been used widely due to its better mechanical...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Physical-Mechanical, Durability and Electrical Properties of Polystyrene Eugenia Sp. Wood
The study is to evaluate the properties of Eugenia sp (Ki Bolong) wood which was impregnated with styrene monomer using K2S2O8 (sodium peroxodisulfat) as an initiator. The specimens were vacuumed for 30 minutes, and then pressurized at 10 atmospheres for 1 hour, followed by closing pressure for 15 minutes. The wood specimens were wrapped with aluminum foil and heated at 600C for 24 hours after which the solution was polymerized in situ. Polymerization performance was evaluated with its polymer loading (PL) and dimensional stability (anti-swelling efficiency, volumetric swelling, water absorption and thickness swelling). Subsequently the mechanical properties (British standard (BS-373) of styrene wood were determined. The wood-plastic was then exposed to subterranean termite (Coptotermes sp) and brown-rot fungi (Fomitopsis palustris) using SNI standard and their weight loss after treatment were quantified. Besides that, the electrical properties were measured by LCR Meter KRISBOW KW06-489. The styrene impregnation improved the durability and physical properties of wood compared to those of the untreated one. In addition, the mechanical properties of styrene wood increased. The styrene wood had better insulator properties compared to control. Proceedings of The 3Rd International Symposium of Indonesian Wood Research Society (IWoRS). Jogjakarta, 3-4 November 2011. ISBN 978-602-1905-30-2