Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
The research purpose was to characterize and determine the effect of hydrochlori...
The purpose of research was to purify and to investigate the effects of pretreat...
Microalgae concentrates (paste) can be used as an alternative feed to replace li...
This study introduces a newly isolated, genetically tractable bacterium (Pseudog...
The corrosion behaviour of the intermetallic compounds Ni3(Si,Ti) (L12: single p...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Air Flow Effect on The Dissolution of Iron in Tin Slag Using Hydrochloric Acid
In this research, air flow effect on dissolution of iron from tin slag using hydrochloric acid was investigated.Tin slag was ground to particle size -100 mesh and leached with variation of acid concentration. Leaching filtrate then analyzed with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) to determine the extraction percentage. This method was modified using air flow and compared to each other. Result showed that acid leaching using airflow gave higher iron extraction percentage compare to acid leaching. Acid leaching using airflow gave iron extraction percentage 81,69 persen in acid concentration 5 persen while acid leaching without airflow gave iron extraction percentage 43,25 persen in the same acid concentration. Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Materials and Metallurgical Technology (ICOMMET 2015). Hal. 380-383