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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
The Effect of Pretreatments on the Dissolutions of Impurities from Cassiterite-I...

The purpose of research was to purify and to investigate the effects of pretreat...

Air Flow Effect on The Dissolution of Iron in Tin Slag Using Hydrochloric Acid

In this research, air flow effect on dissolution of iron from tin slag using hyd...

Preparation and Characterization of Polyurethane-Modified Epoxy with Various Typ...

Polyurethane-modified epoxy (PME) has been synthesized. Synthesis was conducted ...

Corrosion Behavior of Ni3(Si,Ti) in Hydrochloric Acid Solution

The corrosion behaviour of the intermetallic compounds Ni3(Si,Ti) (L12: single p...

The Investigation of Lithium Mineral in Indonesia

Technology development especially technology of information and automotive has d...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Characterization and Dissolution of Cassiterite-Indonesia Mineral in Various Concentrations of Hydrochloric Acid


The research purpose was to characterize and determine the effect of hydrochloric acid concentrations on the dissolution of cassiterite-Bangka Indonesia mineral. The method used in the research was hydrometallurgical process in atmospheric condition. The results showed that chemistry composition of cassiterite-Indonesia mineral was as follows: ( persen by wt) : 66.36 persen Sn, 1,48 persen Si, 4.88 persen Ca, 3.20 persen Ti, 1,16 persen Fe, 0.53 persen La, 0.90 persen Ce and 21.49 persen others. The cassiterite particles appeared opaque, irregular shapes and rough visible surfaces. The result of XRD analysis showed that the major minerals of cassiterite were indexed as SnO2 phase. This paper also described that the dissolution of cassiterite was not rising significant with the increase of hydrochloric acid concentrations. The dissolved cassiterite was about 6.16 persen using 37 persen HCl and the iron extraction of cassiterite looked higher than tin and titanium. This study could become the basis for purifying cassiterite from other impurities. Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Materials and Metallurgical Technology (ICOMMET 2015). Hal. 375-379

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