Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
The golden chicken fern, Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Sm., is an important Indonesi...
Praptosuwiryo TNg, Isnaini Y. 2017. Morphological variations and sex expression ...
The golden chicken fern, Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Sm.(Cibotiaceae), is an Indon...
Cymbidium hartinahianum di habitat aslinya terancam punah, oleh sebab itu dilaku...
Rafflesia is member of a charismatic family of holoparasitic plant Rafflesiaceae...
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Aklimatisasi Dini Prothalus Tumbuhan Paku Bahan Obat (Cibotium Barometz) Hasil Kultur In Vitro
Cibotium barometz, one of the members of the Cibotiacea family, is potentially as tradisional or modern materials drug. This species is one of exports commodity, but the existence in nature began limited, so its trade is restricted to a quota of CITES. Center for Plant Conservation-Bogor Botanic Gardens have to conserve ex situ and started to propagate through spores culture. Results of the spores culture is it takes a long time to form a sporofit to be perfect plant or planlet. To expedite getting the seedling, the gametophytes stage culture need to be acclimatization before becoming planlet. The experiment was conducted in 2 stages of acclimatization. The first experiment using 14 kinds of acclimatization media placed on the plastic box. The second experiment using 4 types of the best media from the first experiment. The first research results showed the best medium for acclimatization is fern, fern: husk charcoal (1: 1), fern: cocopeat (1: 1) and ferns: charcoal chaff: cocopeat (1: 1: 1). The further results indicated that the best medium was a mixture of ferns, cocopeat husk and charcoal (1: 1: 1). The number of growing plants on the mixed media reached 80 persen by the number of sporofit that are formed of 574 sporofit. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perhorti 2014. Hal 508-513 ISBN 978-602-70209-3-1