Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Uji toksisitas sedimen menjadi semakin penting dalam program regulasi dan kajian...
Air dan sedimen tambak merupakan faktor penting bagi kelangsungan budidaya udang...
Air dan sedimen tambak merupakan faktor penting bagi kelangsungan budidaya udang...
Laut adalah bagian dari bumi kita yang tertutup oleh air asin dengan berbagai bi...
Para ahli sepakat bahwa laut Indonesia mempunyai kekayaan jenis dan keanekaragam...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Amphipod Sebagai Biota Uji Sedimen
Sediments provide habitat for many benthic and epibenthic organisms. Sediments also influence the environmental fate of many chemical substances in aquatic ecosystems by acting as both sinks and subsequently sources of substances that have entered the aquatic environment. Many aquatic organisms may be exposed to chemical substances through their immediate interactions with bed sediments, therefore, benchmarks of environmental quality (such as sediment quality guidelines) are required to support protection and management strategies for freshwater, estuarine and marine ecosystems. Biological testing is an important component of a sediment quality assessment. The organisms that are routinely tested include microorganisms, algae, aquatic macrophytes, invertebrates, and fishes. In Indonesia, the use of amphipod as a test organism is still rarely, but it is become widely used internationally. This paper aims to give information about amphipod as a bioassay organism in sediment related to the arrangement of Sediment Quality Guidelines in Indonesia. Oseana Vol.XXXV Nomor 1. Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi-LIPI. Hal. 1-6.