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Dataset Serupa
Logam Berat di Tambang Emas Rakyat Studi Kasus : Desa Kertajaya, Kabupaten Sukab...

Emas ditambang rakyat di wilayah Desa Kertajaya, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Provinsi Ja...

Analisis Logam Berat Pada Air Permukaan Di Kawasan Penambangan Emas Rakyat Desa ...

Daerah Gunung Rosa, Kecamatan Campaka, Kabupaten Cianjur merupakan salah satu te...

Studi Kandungan Logam Berat Pada Beberapa Jenis Kekerangan Dari Perairan Pantai ...

Studi kandungan logam berat (Pb, As, Cd, Co, Cr, cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Se, V, Zn dan A...

Fitoremediasi Kontaminasi Merkuri: Studi Kasus Upaya Mengatasi Pencemaran Di Lah...

Teknologi hijau fitoremediasi potensial digunakan untuk membersihkan tanah dan a...

Studi kandungan 13 Logam Berat Menggunakan Metode ICP-MS Pada Ikan yang Terdapat...

Flores Timur merupakan kabupaten kepulauan dimana 69 persen wilayahnya berupa pe...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Analisis Kandungan Logam Berat pada Sumber Air di Kawasan Penambangan Emas Rakyat (Studi Kasus: Penambangan Emas Rakyat di Desa Kertajaya, Kabupaten Sukabumi)


A study analyzes of the heavy metals content in water sources in the gold mining areas at the Kertajaya Village, District Simpenan, Sukabumi has been conducted. Gold ore mining in Kertajaya Village done by underground mining system with inlet in the form of pitting (shaft) or tunnel (adit), while the gold ore processing is done by the amalgamation method, using the river stream or dynamo as a driving force. The location of gold ore mining and processing were in Cimanggu Watershed (Citarik affluent) and adjacent to the residential, so that potentially to the water sources (river water and wells) pollution.Water from Cimanggu River used by local people as a source of daily needs besides the well. The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations of heavy metals in water sources around the mining and processing of gold ore in the Kertajaya Village. Water sampling and observation conducted in 4 locations: upstream, midstream and downstream of the Cimanggu Rivers and wells. The parameters analyzed were pH and heavy metals that is iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). The analysis results shows that the pH of the water and Fe concentrations of heavy metals in the upper reaches of the River Cimanggu exceeded the drinking water standard criteria by Government Regulation No.82 in 2001, which amounted to 5.48 and 2.29 mg/l. Concentrations of heavy metals Fe, Zn and Hg in the middle and lower reaches of the river exceeded the drinking water standard criteria. In the middle of the river the concentration of Fe, Zn and Hg respectively at 3.47 mg/l, 0.07 mg/l and 0.0015 mg/l, while in the downstream concentration of Fe, Zn and Hg respectively at 2.02 mg/l, 0.06 mg/l and 0.0015 mg/l. Meanwhile, the results of analysis of water samples from the wells showed that the pH and the concentration of heavy metals are below the maximum threshold criteria for raw water for drinking. Basically though the concentration of heavy metals in water is relatively small, but it should still be considered dangerous to human health because it can cause bronchitis, lung damage - lung, interference with broad view, the degeneration of the nerve membrane sheath and the cerebellum. Seminar Nasional Kimia Terapan Indonesia 2013, Vol. 3. Hal. 1-5 ISSN 2088 -9828

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