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Reproduksi Phaleria spp. di Kebun Raya Bogor dan Upaya Konservasinya

Reproduction Habits (Flowering, Fruiting and Germination) of Phaleria spp. at Bo...

Trevesia Dan Konservasinya Di Kebun Raya Bogor.

Trevesia termasuk tumbuhan suku mangkok-mangkokan (Araliaceae), yang unik dan me...

Potensi Baccaurea spp. : studi kasus di Kebun Raya Bogor

The genus of Baccaurea comprise of 80 species which distributes in Asia and Paci...

Potensi Nephelium spp.: Studi Kasus di Kebun Raya Bogor

There are 22 Nephelium species widespread in Asia and 12 species of those are po...

Clausena spp. plasma nutfah koleksi Kebun Raya Bogor.

Clausena adalah salah satu marga anggota suku Rutaceae, yang belum banyak diketa...

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Averrhoa spp. Di Kebun Raya Bogor dan upaya konservasinya.


Averrhoa was one of the member belong to Oxalidaceae family (Bilimbing-bilimbingan). In the begining, this genera only known have two species as this member. Both of this species were Averrhoa bilimbi L. and Averrhoa carambola L. The distribution of two species widespread from Eastern Brazil up to Malesia, and also both most planted as cultivation plant at other tropic area. On 1998 Bogor Botanical Garden have an Averrhoa wild species original from Papua, and on 2002, collected Averrhoa wild species from Papua Nature Reserve, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province, Celebes. On 2007, both Averrhoa wild species collection identify by taxonomies at Herbarium Bogoriense, i.e. Averrhoa dolichocarpa Rugayah & Sunarti from Papua and Averrhoa leucopetala Rugayah & Sunarti from Gorontalo. Wild Averrhoa collection which was original from Papua Nature Reserve have been planted at vak XXIV.B.79 with collector number IP. 398, and wild Averrhoa from Cyclop, Papua, have been planted at XII.D.96, both of plants collection use as living type species. Information about the distribution and population of two species still limited, so this catagory of conservation status belong to Deficient Data (DD). With identify of two new species Averrhoa show that in Averrhoa genera now have four member species. The fourth of Averrhoa species as collection plants in Bogor Botanical Garden for conservation, propagation and potencial developing. Astuti, Inggit Puji lihat Hidayat, Syamsul 2009 (068),(070) Astuti, Inggit Puji lihat Kusuma, Yayan W.C. 2009 (086) Astuti, Inggit Puji lihat Munawaroh, Esti 2009 (099) Prosiding Konservasi Flora Indonesia dalam Mengatasi Dampak Pemanasan Global. Bali, 14 Juli 2009 Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali, hal. 261-264.

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