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Dataset Serupa
Biooxidation Of Berberine By The Endophytic Fungus Coelomycetes AFKR-1 Isolated ...

Totaly eighteen kinds of endophytic fungi have been isolated from the youngstems...

Pachybasin, a Major Metabolite from Culture Broth of Endophytic Coelomyceteous A...

Endophytic fungi have been known to produce a broad range of biologically active...

Antimicrobial Metabolite from the Culture of Endophytic Fungus AFK-8 Isolated fr...

The fungus AFK-8 is one of endophytic filamentous fungus isolated from young ste...

Antimicrobial Metabolite From The Culture Of Endophytic Fungus AFK-8 Isolated Fr...

The fungus AFK-8 is one of endophytic filamentous fungus isolated from young ste...

Evaluation Of Antibacterial And Antioxidant Activity Of Extracts Of Endophytic F...

Thirty two endophytic fungi isolated from rhizome of six species of Zingiberacea...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Biotransformation of Protoberberine Alkaloids by the Endophytic Fungus Coelomycetes AFKR-3 Isolated from Yellow Moonsheed Plant (Archangelisia Flava) Merr.


The endophytic fungus Coelomycetes AFKR-3 isolated from young stems of yellow moonshed plant (Archangelisia flava (L.) Merr.) has shown the capability to biotransform berberine into its 7-N-oxide derivative. Further investigations showed that the fungus can also biotransform the protoberberine alkaloid, palmatine into a new derivative palmatine 7-N-oxide in liquid medium of glucose-yeast extract-peptone. Berberine 7-N-oxide displayed the same antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic fungi as berberineKeywords: Endophytic fungi, biotransformation, protoberberine alkaloid, 7-N-oxide derivative, antimicrobial activity Procedia Chemistry, 2014, 13, 38-43.

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