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Antimicrobial Metabolite from the Culture of Endophytic Fungus AFK-8 Isolated fr...

The fungus AFK-8 is one of endophytic filamentous fungus isolated from young ste...

Biooxidation Of Berberine By The Endophytic Fungus Coelomycetes AFKR-1 Isolated ...

Totaly eighteen kinds of endophytic fungi have been isolated from the youngstems...

Pachybasin, a Major Metabolite from Culture Broth of Endophytic Coelomyceteous A...

Endophytic fungi have been known to produce a broad range of biologically active...

Biotransformation of Protoberberine Alkaloids by the Endophytic Fungus Coelomyce...

The endophytic fungus Coelomycetes AFKR-3 isolated from young stems of yellow mo...

Antibacterial Screening Of The Culture Of Endophytic Fungal Extracts Isolated Fr...

Pathogenic bacterial resistance to antibacterial agents used in the treatment of...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Antimicrobial Metabolite From The Culture Of Endophytic Fungus AFK-8 Isolated From Kayu Kuning(Archangelesia Flava L. Merr.: Menispermaceae)


The fungus AFK-8 is one of endophytic filamentous fungus isolated from young stems of kayu kuning [Archangelesia flava (L.) Merr.]. The ethyl acetate extract derived from fungus culture shows their antibiotic activity tested against bacteria and fungi on a disc diffusion method. Scaling up cultivation of endophytic fungus AFK-8 on 1L PDA for 3 weeks yielded 143.3 mg of chloroform extract. Fractionation guided assay of these extract showed that the fraction 6 is the most active fraction against tested microbes with MIC values 8, 32, 4 and 64 g/ml against B. subtilis, M. luteus, S. aureus dan E. coli respectively. This fraction is also active against C. albicans, R. minuta and A. niger with MIC value 32 mg/ml. The proposed chemical structure of active metabolit in fraction 6 is 1,2-diamino-9,10-anthracenedione which was determined through a GCMS analysis. Proceeding International Seminar Biotechnology for Enhancement the Tropical Biodiversity 64-72, Tahun 2011

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