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Microstructures and Mechanical Study of Mg Alloy Foam Based on Mg-Zn-Ca-CaCO3 Sy...

Magnesium alloy, a material that has potential to use some applications such asa...

Microstructures and Mechanical Study of Mg Alloy Foam Based on Mg-Zn-Ca-CaCO3 Sy...

Magnesium alloy, a material that has the potential to use some applications such...

Pengaruh Variasi Berat Foaming Agent CaH2 Terhadap Karakteristik Paduan Mg-Ca-Zn...

Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan metal selular dengan jenis struktur open...

Effect of Heat Treatment on the Properties of Mg-Ca-Zn Alloy Prepared by Powder ...

Mg-Ca-Zn alloy is one of Mg alloy that has been investigated for its potential i...

Structural Properties of Mg-Ca-Zn Alloy with Addition of CaCO3 as Foaming Agent ...

Magnesium alloy has received considerable attention as an emerging biodegradable...

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Characteristics of Mg-Ca-Zn Alloy Metallic Foam Based on Mg-Zn-CaH2 System


Mg-Ca-Zn alloy metallic foam has recently been recognized as a biodegradable implant material. In the present study, the characteristics of Mg-Ca-Zn alloy metallic foam prepared by the foaming of a powder compact based on an Mg-Zn-CaH2 system were investigated. Two types of Mg-Zn-CaH2 powders with compositions of 97.5 wt % Mg, 2 wt % Zn, 0.5 wt % CaH2 and 96.8 wt % Mg, 2 wt % Zn, 1.2 wt % CaH2 were prepared by dry milling for 6 h and were characterized by differential thermal analysis (DTA). The prepared powders were then pressed under a load of 6.5MPa at room temperature and sintered for 2 h at 350 and 600°C. The alloys were analyzed by Xray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The analysis results indicated that the addition of calcium hydride as a blowing agent affects the phase formation of Mg2Ca and Mg2Zn3, as well as the sintering temperature and grain refining of Mg-Ca-Zn alloys. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 896. Hal. 267-271 ISSN 2086-5023

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