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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Actinoplanes Bogoriensis Sp. Nov., A Novel Actinomycete Isolated From Leaf Litte...

A novel actinomycete, designated LIPI11-2-Ac043T, was isolated from leaf litter ...

Actinophytocola timorensis sp. nov. and Actinophytocola corallina sp. nov., isol...

Two actinomycete strains, ID05-A0653T and ID06-A0464T, were isolated from soils ...

Pichia Chibodasensis sp. Nov., Isolated In Indonesia

Three strains (14Y260T, 14Y268 and 14Y276) of xylose-assimilating yeasts were is...

Screening and study of antifungal activity of leaf litter actinomycetes isolated...

Objective: To assess the antifuchnagraal catcetriivziety a obfu ancdtainnocme yo...

Dietzia timorensis sp. nov., Isolated from Soil

An actinomycete strain, ID05-A0528T, was isolated using the SDS-yeast extract pr...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Cryptosporangium Cibodasense Sp. Nov., Isolated From Leaf Litter In Indonesia


A novel actinomycete strain, designated LIPI11-2-Ac046T, was isolated from a leaf litter sample obtained from Cibodas Botanical Garden, West Java, Indonesia, using the rehydration and centrifugation method. The taxonomic status of this organism was established using a polyphasic approach. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that strain LIPI11-2-Ac046T had the closest sequence similarities with members of the genus Cryptosporangium (97.99– 98.90 %). The strain grew well on ISP 4 and ISP 5 media and formed sporangia. Spores of this strain were motile. The strain grew in the presence of 0–2 % (w/v) NaCl and the temperature range of 15–28 8C. The cell-wall hydrolysate contained meso-diaminopimelic acid as the diagnostic diamino acid and the whole-cell hydrolysate contained mannose, glucose, galactose, ribose and xylose, together with one unidentified O-methyl-pentose. The predominant menaquinones were MK-9(H4), MK-9(H6) and MK-9(H8), and the major polar lipid was phosphatidylethanolamine. The major cellular fatty acids were C18 : 1v9c, iso-C16 : 0, C16 : 0 and C17 : 1v9c. These phenotypic characteristics corresponded to those of the genus Cryptosporangium. Meanwhile, the results of DNA–DNA hybridization as well as physiological and biochemical analyses distinguished strain LIPI11-2-Ac046T from known members of the genus Cryptosporangium. On the basis of these data, it is proposed that strain LIPI11-2-Ac046T represents a novel species of the genus Cryptosporangium, with the name Cryptosporangium cibodasense sp. nov. The type strain is LIPI11-2-Ac046T (5InaCC A457T5NBRC 110976T). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, Vol. 65, Hal. 4632–4637

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