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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

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Dataset Serupa
Biodiversity, Distribution and Abundance Of The Tropical Angguillid Eels In The ...

In order to understand biodiversity, distribution, and abundance among the tropi...

Investigation of ITS-90 Inconsistencies in Overlap Region of the Water-indium, W...

One of the significant uncertainties in Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer...

Human Detection from RGB Depth Image using Active contour and Grow-cut Segmenta...

In modern Security and Surveillance technologies, the significance of human dete...

Human Detection from RGB Depth Image using Active contour and Grow-cut Segmentat...

Computer vision based human detection systems are gaining much significance in m...

The Population Condition and Availability of Feed of Cuscus in the Arfak Mountai...

The cuscus is a pouched marsupial grouped in the Phalangeridae family, which is ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Detection of upwelling using modis image and triton buoy in the North Papua Waters


Upwelling is closely associated with the spatial distribution of fish biomass. However, this phenomenon is often ignoreddue to misinterpretation that is simply using sea surface temperature (SST) to analyse deep fish biomass. Upwelling can bedetected by analysing distribution of sea surface (SST) and vertical temperature at the various depths. One of the methods isthe use of MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) image and TRITON buoy (Triangle Trans-Ocean buoyNetwork) as in-situ data. This research aimed to observe the correlation between SST MODIS and TRITON buoy and to analyse sea vertical temperature in order to investigate the upwelling in the North Papua Waters. Descriptive method was used on this study, where SST MODIS that was analysed by SeaDas Mapped 5.0 was compared to the TRITON buoy’s SST data during July 2002 to November 2002 (in east season 2002); December 2006 to February 2007 (in west season 2007) and July 2007-September 2007 (in east season 2007). Then, the analysis of upwelling was carried out towards the TRITON buoy’s vertical temperature on the particular coordinates using ER.Mapper 6.4 and Surfer 3.2. From this research, both of SST MODIS image and TRITON buoy have a strong relationship by r=0.5738; 0.5989; 0.5509 respectively. The upwelling in the North Papua Waters was indicated in February 2007 (west season 2007), when the l degradation level of SST reached up to 26oC.

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