Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Remarkably little is known about the life histories of the many tropical anguill...
The existence of mangrove forest on small islands is very important in relation ...
A research cruise was conducted in the eastern Indian Ocean off west Sumatra, In...
In order to understand biodiversity, distribution, and abundance among the tropi...
This account of the riverine ichthyofaunas from the islands of Buton and Kabaena...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Distribution and Ecology of Leptocephali of the Congrid Eel, Ariosoma scheelei, around Sulawesi Island, Indonesia
A survey for leptocephali around Sulawesi Island in the central Indonesian Seas during May 2001 found that the leptocephali of the congrid eel, Ariosoma scheelei, were present in all seven areas that were sampled. A total of 551 leptocephali (22–166 mm TL) were collected, and A. scheelei was by far the most abundant species of leptocephali collected during the survey. The wide range of sizes in most areas indicated that spawning had occurred during a period of several months in many different areas, although the exact spawning locations were not determined. The larger size classes were more abundant in all areas except in Tomini Bay on the northeast side of Sulawesi Island. The highest catch rates were observed at the eastern edge of the Java Sea and to the north in the Celebes Sea near Makassar Strait. Premetamorphic leptocephali were also collected in surface samples at 11 stations (N=62), but metamorphosing leptocephali (N=86) were only caught in IKMT tows that fished from the surface to about 200 m. Metamorphosing leptocephali were collected primarily at two stations in the Java Sea and Makassar Strait where a surface layer of lower-salinity water was detected. Their total lengths (105.3– 153.3 mm) and the largest premetamorphic individuals suggested that this species can reach maximum sizes of about 165 mm before beginning to metamorphose. It is hypothesized that this species may be abundant in the Indonesian Seas region and that it has ecological traits such as large size at recruitment and a small size at reproduction that have made it successful in many regions of the Indo-Pacific. Marine Biology, Vol. 148. Hal. 1101-1111