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Distribution of Leptocephali of the freshwater eels, genus Anguilla, in the wate...

A research cruise was conducted in the eastern Indian Ocean off west Sumatra, In...

The ecology & distribution of Freycinetia Gaud. (Pandanaceae; Freycinetoidea) in...

The study mainly concerns with the species of Freycinetia that occurs in the Ind...

Species compositions and ecology of the riverineichthyofaunas in two Sulawesian ...

This account of the riverine ichthyofaunas from the islands of Buton and Kabaena...

Distribution and Ecology of Leptocephali of the Congrid Eel, Ariosoma scheelei, ...

A survey for leptocephali around Sulawesi Island in the central Indonesian Seas ...

Biodiversity, Distribution and Abundance Of The Tropical Angguillid Eels In The ...

In order to understand biodiversity, distribution, and abundance among the tropi...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Inventorying The Tree Fern Genus Cibotium of Sumatra: Ecology, Population Size and Distribution in North Sumatra


Cibotium is one tree fern belongs to the family Cibotiaceae which is easily differentiated from the other genus by the long slender golden yellowish-brown smooth hairs covered its rhizome and basal stipe with marginal sori at the ends of veins protected by two indusia forming a small cup round the receptacle of the sorus. It has been recognized as material for both traditional and modern medicines in China, Europe, Japan and Southeast Asia Population of Cibotium species in several countries have decreased rapidly because of over exploitation and there is no artificial cultivation until now. The aims of this study were: (i) To re-inventory the species of Cibotium in North Sumatra, (ii) to record the ecology and distribution of each species, and (iii) to assess the population size of each species. Field study was carried out by using random search with belt transect. Two species were recorded, namely C. arachnoideum dan C. barometz. The geographical distribution of the two species in North Sumatra are presented. Cibotium is commonly growing terrestrially on opened or rather opened areas in secondary forets and primary forest at hills or lower mountains with a relatively high humidity at 30-90º slopes. C. arachnoideum has a strict distribution and only found at 1740-1770 m a.s.l. in primary forest, whereas C. barometz has a broad distribution in secondary forest at elevation range from 650-1200 m. Biodiversitas, Vol. 12, No. 4, October 2011. Hal. 204-211 ISSN 1412-033X

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