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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
The Effect of Pretreatments on the Dissolutions of Impurities from Cassiterite-I...

The purpose of research was to purify and to investigate the effects of pretreat...

Study on The Effect of Pollutants on The Production of Aaptamines and The Cytoto...

This experiment was conducted to study the effects of anthropogenic stressor on ...

Biodecolorization of Textile Dyes by Immobilized Enzymes in a Vertical Bioreacto...

A capacity of immobilized enzymes from Trametes versicolor U97 or Pestalotiopsis...

The Effect of Solvents on The Stabilities (Color and Fe) of Anthocyanin Isolated...

Anthocyanin from the red-color-melinjo peels could be isolated using a polar sol...

The effect of aeration on the distribution of microalgae concentrate

Microalgae concentrates (paste) can be used as an alternative feed to replace li...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Double Layer Immobilized Manganese Peroxidase from Effectively Enhanced the Biodecolorization of Remazol Brilliant Blue R Dye


The ability of white rot fungi to degrade lignin using relatively non-specific extracellular enzyme has encouraged the use of these fungi in decolorization processes of highly colored textile dye wastewaters. In this study, a manganese peroxidase (MnP) enzyme isolated from Pleurotus ostreatus was applied to decolorize Remazol Brilliant Blue R (RBBR), as a model of textile dye, using an immobilization form in Ca-alginate beads. The result showed that single layer immobilization of MnP decolorized only 32% of RBBR (100 ppm). However, double layer immobilized enzymes that placed the MnP in the inner layer of the bead and Mn2+, Tween80, and H2O2 as mediators in outer layer effectively enhanced the biodecolorization 2- fold compare than the single layer immobilization. MnP activity affected the decolorization yield of the RBBR with 4.5 U of MnP could decolorized the RBBR 70% in 10 h. In addition, application of the immobilized enzyme in bioreactor system improved the decolorization rate. This study is important for the further application of enzyme immobilization for decolorization of textile dye effluents. Paper Presented at The International Conference of Indonesia Forestry Researchers III. Bogor, 21-22 October 2015. Hal. 269-275

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