Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Starch sago different from other types of noodles, such as wheat flour and pasta...
Microalgae concentrates (paste) can be used as an alternative feed to replace li...
MgB2 superconductor with relatively high critical temperature (Tc=40K) has been ...
The aim of this study was to examine the habitat characteristic features of Lake...
This experiment was conducted to study the effects of anthropogenic stressor on ...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Effect Of Fortification Fish Meal On The Physical Characteristic Of Sago Noodles
Starch sago different from other types of noodles, such as wheat flour and pasta, because it is made from gluten -free starch.The implementation of the extruded technology and fortification fish meal plays an important role in determining quality of sago noodles. The study aimed to analyze the effects of different fortification of fish meal on the degrees white,cooking time, cooking losses, and elasticity. of sago noodles. Fortification method was done by using different concentration of fish meal 0 persen, 2 persen, 4 persen, 6 persen, and 8 persen. The result of the study showed that fortification method using concentration 8 persen resulted in the provide quality of noodles with degrees white 46.70, cooking time 8.0, cooking looses 23.8and elasticity 16.20. International Journal of Current Research, 2017. Vol. 9 Issue: 11. P: 61098-61101 ISSN: 0975-833X