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Dataset Serupa
Fabrication and Characterization of Isotropic Bonded Pr-Fe-B Magnets

Abstract. In the present study, we have fabricated isotropic bonded Pr-Fe-B magn...

The Effect of Powder Particle Size on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of ...

Abstract. Commercially, NdFeB powder (type MQP-B+) with difference in particle s...

Structure and Magnetic Properties of Spark Plasma Sintered NdFeB

A spark plasma sintering technique was used to consolidate NdFeB compacts at fou...

Pembuatan flexible magnet permanent Nd-(Fe,Co)-B anisotropi

Material fleksibel magnet permanen sampai saat ini masih diimpor dan belum dipro...

Studi Pengaruh Milling Pada Serbuk Bonded PrFeB

Teknologi serbuk pada proses produksi magnet sangat penting, karena mempengaruhi...

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Fabrication and Characterization of Anisotropic Bonded NdFeB Magnets


The objective of this study is to fabricate and characterize the anisotropic bonded NdFeB magnets. For aforementioned objective, the powder and binder were mixed by a shaker mill. They was then oriented under a magnetic aligning field of 0; 0,26; 0,32; 0,37; 0,47 T and prior to being compacted with 20 kgf in load. The specimens were cured at 150oC for 30 minute under Argon gas flow. The density of the specimen before and after curing was determined by Archimedes principles. The flux magnet density and magnetic properties of bonded magnet were measured by Gauss meter and permagraph, respectively.Keywords: Anisotropic, bonded NdFeB magnet, density, flux magnet density, permagraph. Journal Advanced Materials Research

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