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Dataset Serupa
The Effect of Powder Particle Size on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of ...

Abstract. Commercially, NdFeB powder (type MQP-B+) with difference in particle s...

Fabrication and Characterization of Anisotropic Bonded NdFeB Magnets

The objective of this study is to fabricate and characterize the anisotropic bon...

Fabrication and Characterization of Isotropic Bonded Pr-Fe-B Magnets

Abstract. In the present study, we have fabricated isotropic bonded Pr-Fe-B magn...

Pembuatan flexible magnet permanent Nd-(Fe,Co)-B anisotropi

Material fleksibel magnet permanen sampai saat ini masih diimpor dan belum dipro...

Thermal analysis and magnetic properties of lanthanum barium manganite perovskit...

It has been carried out synthesis and characterization of thermal and magnetic p...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Structure and Magnetic Properties of Spark Plasma Sintered NdFeB


A spark plasma sintering technique was used to consolidate NdFeB compacts at four different temperatures as 750, 850, 950 and 1030oC. The surface of specimens was polished down to remove the carbon paper on the surface of NdFeB compacts by using SiC paper for up to #1500 in grit. The polished NdFeB compacts were then magnetized by using impulse magnetizer K-series. In this study, the effects of temperature on the structure and magnetic properties of NdFeB magnets were studied. The results show that depending on the fabrication temperature, the X-ray diffraction patterns of NdFeB compacts are distinct. This suggests that the structure of NdFeB compacts was changed with increase in fabrication temperature. Meanwhile, the remanence Br and energy product (BH)max of NdFeB magnets tend to decrease as fabrication temperature increase. Journal Advanced Materials Research

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