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Forest betel (P. acre Blume) a Wild Plant from East Kalimantan, Indonesia Potent...

Cytotoxic and antioxidant activities from a compound has potency as a cancer dru...

Review Of Potential Saponins Extract From Kolowe Fruit Seed (Chydenanthus excels...

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Great Potential Of Microbial Isolates From Forest Ecosystem In Malianu -East Kal...

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Some Orchids Eria Spp. Potentially As A Medicine Plant

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Utilization Of Forest Plants As A Natural Remedy By Ethnic Semende, District Of ...

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INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Forest betel (P. acre Blume) a Wild Plant from East Kalimantan, Indonesia Potentially as Resources of Drug Compounds for Cancer


Cytotoxic and antioxidant activities from a compound has potency as a cancer drug, cytotoxic activities can cause death cancer cells and antioxidants as regeneration function of damaged cells due to the death of these cells. Forest betel (P. acre) plants a wild plant from East Kalimantan, Indonesia could potentially as sources of compounds for cancer drugs, water extract from leaves shown cytotoxic activity with LC50 values <30 ppm against A. salina, and antioxidant activities against DPPH radical compounds with IC50 values <100 ppm. Toxicity assay in experimental animals shown water extract of P. acre also proved not caused liver necrosis based on changes levels of SGPT and SGOT in experimental animals. Cytotoxic and antioxidant activities these probably derived from the class of flavonoids and saponins compounds as a dominant secondary metabolites.

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