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Dataset Serupa
Leptoconchus spp. (Coralliophilidae: Gastropoda); Siput Parasit pada Karang Jamu...

Leptoconchus spp. (Coralliophilidae: Gastropoda) are parasite snails that live a...

Sejarah dan Bukti Evolusi pada Gastropoda

Evolution is a long process of changing that occurs slowly in a relatively long ...

Annual Parasite Incidence (API)

Annual Parasite Incidence (API) adalah salah satu indikator utama yang digunakan...

Siput Ektoparasit Epitoniidae (Gastropoda: Mollusca) pada Inang Karang dan Anemo...

Ectoparasite gastropods of Family Epitoniidae that are found associated with cor...

Tinjauan Tentang Kopepoda Parasit Di Indonesia (A Review Of Parasitic Copepoda I...

Parasitic copepods are of the most important parasites in the marine environment...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Gastropoda parasit pada Ekhinodermata


As was the case on land, at marine ecosystems also occur symbiotic relationship between two types of living organisms, both in the form of mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. Such symbiotic relationship has not been much discussed, especially the publications that discuss the relationship between gastropods and echinoderms parasitism. Observations on the gastropod parasites that infect some echinoderms have made to understand parasitism relationship between two groups of marine organism. Aspects of parasitism were observed among other specifications of the selection of the host, attachment patterns and types of parasitism happen. Observations were carried out in-situ in the coral reefs and seagrass beds with the aid of SCUBA diving equipment. The results showed that there was a clear parasitism symbiotic relationship between gastropods and their echinoderms hosts. The parasitism are specific, ie certain types of parasitic gastropod infects only a few specific types of echinoderms anyway. Oseana, Vol. XL No. 4 Tahun 2015. P : 41- 52 ISSN 0216-1877

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