Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
As was the case on land, at marine ecosystems also occur symbiotic relationship ...
Ectoparasite gastropods of Family Epitoniidae that are found associated with cor...
Karang jamur merupakan jenis scleractinian yang cukup unik karena sebagian besar...
Salah satu scleractinian yang berperan sebagai komponen utama pembentuk terumbu ...
The aims of this research were to know the type, composition, and nematocysts di...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Leptoconchus spp. (Coralliophilidae: Gastropoda); Siput Parasit pada Karang Jamur (Fungiidae: Scleractinia)
Leptoconchus spp. (Coralliophilidae: Gastropoda) are parasite snails that live associated to a variety of mushroom coral species (Fungiidae: Scleractinia). Host species preferences, is one of the key characters to identify the various gastropod parasite species that were found to be associated with only one or a restricted number of mushroom corals species. However it is difficult to identify this parasite snail if only using morphological characters without identifying their coral hosts or molecular analysis. Oseana, Vol. XXXV, No. 2. Hal. 11-18 ISSN 0216-1877