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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
The importance of the Banda Sea for tuna fisheries : A review of studies on the ...

Tuna exploitation in the Banda Sea has been started when Indonesia government ga...

Distribution and Ecology of Leptocephali of the Congrid Eel, Ariosoma scheelei, ...

A survey for leptocephali around Sulawesi Island in the central Indonesian Seas ...

A Preliminary Study On Pteridophyte Of Lombok: List Of The Species

The last publication on fern of Lombok that was able to be retrieved is written ...

The operation and production of the barramundi, Lates calcarifer, at the Good Fo...

Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) is a commercially important species in Australia a...

A list of the most-studied and the least studied Sulawesi mammals

The document contains a list of most and least studied Sulawesi mammals based on...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Hydrological Regimes and Zooplankton Ecology at Tempe Floodplains, Indonesia: Preliminary Study Before The Operation of The Downstream Barrage


Lake Tempe is a floodplain lake of a national importance situated in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, experiencing hydrological variation. Study on hydrological regimes and its association to zooplankton ecology was done to look at the hydrological characteristic and its association to zooplankton ecology. Field study and zooplankton sampling were carried out at two season representing hydrological variation of the floodplain. Rotifer was found to be dominant zooplankton during low water period while micro crustacean was predominant in high water period. Number of species and total abundance were higher in LW than in HW. Drying and wetting period of a floodplain system provide habitat for micro biota and enhance fish recruitment by providing suitable spawning environment and habitat for larvae. The operation of downstream barrage was intended to maintain water level at 5 meter ASL (3 meter water depth) meaning that the succession of zooplankton community from LW to HW community will be disrupted. We suggest that the operation of the barrage will significantly affect the ecosystem of the lake. Proceeding: The 1st International Forum on Asian Water Environment Technology, 18-20 Desember 2013.

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