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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Corrosion Behaviour of Cathodically Protected Rebars Steel in Simulated Concrete...

Corrosion behaviour of cathodically protected rebars steel was observed in simul...

Study of pitting resistance of rebar steels in jakarta coastal using simulated c...

Carbon steels are generally used to a reinforcement in the concrete construction...

Study of Pitting Resistanceof rebar steels in jakarta coastal using simulated co...

Carbon steels are generally used to a reinforcement in the concrete construction...

Corrosion Behavior of Magnesium Based Foam Structure in Hank’s Solution

Metal foam are a new class of materials with promising applications and a unique...

Corrosion Behavior of Ni3(Si,Ti) in Hydrochloric Acid Solution

The corrosion behaviour of the intermetallic compounds Ni3(Si,Ti) (L12: single p...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Investigation of Corrosion Protection of Rebar Steel Using Organic Inhibitor in Simulated Pore Solution


Rebar steel embedded in concrete is naturally protected against corrosion by passive layer formed on the steel surface by the high alkalinity of the concrete. Corrosion in concrete rebar steel can initiate only when passive layer is destroyed due to the ingress of chloride or carbonation of concrete. Aim of this paper is to investigate on the performance of organic inhibitor dimethylethaneamine (DMEA) in protecting rebar steel from carbonates and chlorides induced corrosion in concrete. Rebar steel specimen immersed in three kinds of solution: simulated pore solution mixed with seawater, simulated pore solution mixed with sodium chloride as the sources of chloride, simulated pore solution mixed with seawater, sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, and bicarbonate as the source of carbonate to corrode the rebar steel. DMEA was added in the solution with various concentration (0,1 M; 0,3 M; 0,6 M). The performance of the organic inhibitor was evaluated by corrosion measurement system for 20 days. The results give information about corrosion rate and corrosion prevention ability of the analysed organic inhibitor. Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on Materials and Metallurgical Technology 2015. Hal. 26-33

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