Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Carbon steels are generally used to a reinforcement in the concrete construction...
Corrosion behaviour of cathodically protected rebars steel was observed in simul...
Rebar steel embedded in concrete is naturally protected against corrosion by pas...
Women's participation in fulfilling the needs of fishermen fishing families caus...
The AISI Type 420 stainless steels are commonly used to steam generators, mixer ...
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Study of Pitting Resistanceof rebar steels in jakarta coastal using simulated concrete pore solution
Carbon steels are generally used to a reinforcement in the concrete constructions, such as bridges, piling, etc. These constructionsare not a bit placed in the coastal areas, especially the coastal area of Jakarta. The industrial activities and urban developmentwere a source of sediment loads and pollutants in coastal sea water Jakarta. The presence of chloride content and pollutants in seawater could affect the process of corrosion of reinforcement steel in concrete especially pitting corrosion. In this paper, thebehavior of pitting corrosion of reinforcement steel in sea water of Jakarta coastal using simulated concrete pore solution hasbeen studied. The sea waters were taken from two different locations of Jakarta coastal, Ancol beach and Muara Baru fishingport. Each of the sea water was used as a solvent in the simulated concrete pore solution with or without carbonates. Thesimulated concrete pore solution with chloride was also utilized for comparison test. The cyclic and potentiostaticelectrochemical polarization were conducted to evaluate the behavior of pitting corrosion of reinforcing steel. The experimentalresults showed that the reinforcing steel was susceptible to pitting corrosion in the simulated concrete pore solutions (SPS) of seawater with or without carbonates and in the simulated concrete pore solutions containing 3.5 persen NaCl. The addition of sodiumcarbonate and sodium bicarbonate in SPS of sea water increased the breakdown potential value and the total time for themetastable pitting decreased slightly. Procedia Engineering 171 (2017) 517–525