Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Kantong semar (Nepenthes spp.) dikenal sebagai tanaman pemangsa serangga yang me...
Nepenthes species have a very high economic value. The pitcher is unique, morpho...
Nepenthes mirabilis termasuk salah satu jenis kantong semar yang banyak dimanfaa...
Kantong semar (Nepenthes spp., Nepenthaceae) commonly know as ornamental plant. ...
The rain forests of Kalimantan are home to some of the most remarkable organisms...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Kajian variasi morfologi kantong semar (Nepenthes spp.) sebagai pendukung dalam upaya pengembangannya untuk tanaman hias
The economic value of Nepenthes is profoundly high. Morphological variation is the basic information needed to develop Nepenthes for commercial purposes. Research on morphological variation of Nepenthes mirabilis, Nepenthes gracilis, Nepenthes reinwardtiana, Nepenthes ampullaria and Nepenthes rafflesiana in their natural habitat has been carried out. The results showed that the highest variation of leaf colours were found in Nepenthes mirabilis (16 variations) and the lowest were in Nepenthes ampullaria and Nepenthes rafflesiana (3 variations). The highest variation of tendril position were found in Nepenthes mirabilis (8 variations in rosset form; and 7 variations in mature form) and the lowest were found in Nepenthes ampullaria (only 1 type in rosset form, no variation occurred; and 3 variations in mature form). The highest colour variations of rosset pitcher were found in Nepenthes gracilis (27 variations). Nepenthes mirabilis showed the highest colour variation of mature pitcher (25 variations), on the other hand the lowest colour variations of mature pitcher were showed by Nepenthes ampullaria dan Nepenthes rafflesiana (2 variations on each). Nepenthes rafflesiana usually produces big pitcher; vice versa, Nepenthes gracilis usually produces smaller pitcher. The form of pitcher in all spesies evaluated were elongated and rounded. Handayani, Tri lihat Kusuma, Yayan W. C. 2011 (087) Handayani, Tri lihat Wihermanto 2011 (198) Prosiding Seminar Nasional “Konservasi Tumbuhan Tropika: Kondisi Terkini dan Tantangan ke Depan” Cibodas, 7 April 2011. Kebun Raya Cibodas, hal. 464-468