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Dataset Serupa
Keragaman Genetik Rusa Sambar (Rusa Unicolor), Pemanfaatan Dan Implikasinya Untu...

The deer sambar (Rusa unicolor) is one of species of Genus Rusa, was widely dist...

Produksi daging (karkas)

Jumlah produksi daging (karkas) adalah jumlah karkas hasil pemotongan ternak di ...

Suplementasi Ranggah Muda Rusa Sambar Memperbaiki Pertumbuhan Tulang Femur, Bobo...

Ranggah merupakan jaringan tulang pada rusa yang memiliki siklus tumbuh, mengera...

Sifat Fisik dan Kimia Daging Landak Jawa (Hystrix javanica F. Cuvier, 1823) yang...

This study is aimed to determine the effect of additional concentrate feed on th...

Sifat Fisik dan Kimia Daging Landak Jawa (Hystrix javanica F. Cuvier, 1823) yang...

This study is aimed to determine the effect of additional concentrate feed on th...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Karakteristik Karkas, Sifat Fisik Dan Kimia Daging Rusa Sambar (Rusa Unicolor)


Venison is known as qualified meat because of its softness and fineness of fiber, protein and iron are very high, as well as fat, cholesterol and energy are low. Today, consumers are likely to eat meat with low fat. Venison will be able to meet the needs of the market. This study aimed to evaluate carcass production,physical and chemical properties of venison of captive Sambar deer. Three heads of adult sambar deer from the Regional Technical Implementation Center Unit Breeding and Artificial Insemination Center, east Kalimantan were used. Deers were fasted for 24 hours and slaughter with cutting jugular veins, esophagus and throat. Observations were made on the carcass, commercial cuts, physical properties and percentage, meat to bone ratio, and major commercial cuts were 50.17, 3.35, and 56.01 persen, respectively. The physical properties of the venison was very good and was not influenced by commercial cuts. Loin were higher on fat content (0.65+0.18 g/100g) and cholesterol (48.33+11.59mg/kg)than the fillet and leg cuts. Buletin Plasma Nutfah Vol. 19 No. 1. Juni 2013. P: 45-52

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