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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Koleksi Anggrek Ternate Di Herbarium Bogoriense

Ternate including in the small area island which are one of the targets of resea...

Keanekaragaman Anggrek di Cagar Alam Panjalu

Panjalu Nature Reserve is located in West Java. The area is about 16 hectare and...

Eksplorasi Keanekaragaman Aktinomisetes Tanah Ternate Sebagai Sumber Antibiotik

Exploration of Soil Actinomycetes Diversity from Ternate as Indigenous Antibioti...

Keanekaragaman Anggrek di Kawasan Sungai Busang, Kalimantan Tengah

Orchid inventory and exploration was conducted to study the orchid diversity alo...

Keanekaragaman anggrek di Kawasan Cagar Alam Faruhumpenai, Sulsel

Sulawesi is one of the big islands in Indonesia, which very important in Wallace...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Keanekaragaman Anggrek di G. Gamalama, Ternate


A study on the diversity of orchids in Mount Gamalama, Ternate was carried out. There were three habitats (Tolire Besar Lake, nutmeg and clove plantation areas and forest areas) with elevation up to 1500 meters of above sea levels which were observed. In total, 21 species of orchids (15 species of terrestrial and 6 species of epiphyte) were found. Deforestation for clove and nutmeg plantations, and also volcanic activities of Mount Gamalama could be the main reasons for habitats and species lost of orchids in Ternate. Ekologi Ternate. 2011. hal. 219-226

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