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Studi Keanekaragaman Jenis Piper spp dan Potensinya di Kebun Raya Bogor

Interdisciplinary study on diversity, habitat, and potency of Piper spp. has con...

Catatan Beberapa Jamur Makro Dari Pulau Enggano: Diversitas Dan Potensinya

A Thirty one species of macro fungi which belong to phylum Basidiomycota and Asc...

Catatan Beberapa Jamur Makro dari Pulau Enggano: Diversitas dan Potensinya

Sebanyak tiga puluh satu jenis jamur makro anggota filum Basidiomycota dan Ascom...

Keanekaragaman Jenis Dan Sebaran Fagaceae Di Indonesia

Fagaceae umumnya pohon, salah satu suku dengan jumlah jenis yang cukup besar ± 7...

Keanekaragaman Jenis Paku-Pakuan di Kawasan Hutan Dwima Grup, Kalimantan Tengah ...

Penelitian secara eksploratif tentang keanekargaman jenis paku-pakuan di kawasan...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Keanekaragaman Beberapa Anggota Keluarga Mentol-Mentolan Dan Potensinya Di Indonesia


Member of Mint family (Labiatae/Lamiaceae) is about 180 genera and over 3000 spp. in Malesia but only few known. In Indonesia few genera commonly used by indigenous people for traditional medicine or for oil industry such as Mentha, Ocimum, Orthosiphon, Pogostemon, and Scutellaria. This study was concerning to investigate of selected genera on Lamiaceae and its used by indigeneous people. Descriptif kualitatif method and plant identification at Bogor Botanic Garden collection and specimen vouchers of Herbarium Bogoriense using for analysis also added field report and books of ethnobotany. General characteristics of Mint family is quadrangular, lips and two side of corolla symmetrically. Indonesia is highly biodiversity of Mint family and its potentials for oil industry prospectively. So information of distribution as well as conserve of their habitat should be doing as soon as possible because almost all of Mint family as shrub that endangered by climate change. Seminar Nasional Biologi XX dan Kongres PBl XIV UIN Maliki Malang, 24-25 Juli 2009. hal. 584-588

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