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Studi Anatomi Endofitik Rafflesia patma di dalam Inang Tetrastigma sp.

As an endoparasite, growth and development of Rafflesia occurred inside the host...

Studi Anatomi Endofitik Rafflesia patma di dalam Inang Tetrastigma sp.

As an endoparasite, growth and development of Rafflesia occurred inside the host...

Morfologi Buah Dan Biji Rafflesia Patma Dan R. Arnoldii

Hampir semua anggota marga Rafflesiaceae merupakan tumbuhan langka yang hanya di...

Biologi Konservasi Tumbuhan Holoparasit: Inokulasi Biji Rafflesia Patma Secara I...

Global climatic change has been strongly implicated in the decline of many speci...

Biologi Konservasi Tumbuhan Holoparasit: Percobaan Kultur In Vitro Rafflesia Pat...

Rafflesia is member of a charismatic family of holoparasitic plant Rafflesiaceae...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Kolonisasi Rafflesia Patma Pada Pohon Inang di Cagar Alam Pangandaran


Population of R. patma in its habitat (Pangandaran Nature Reserve – West Java) spread into several colonies. Most of these plants are found living on their host plants (Tetrastigma spp) root system and only a small proportion that grows on the stem. Rafflesia patma grow in very specific host. In this area R. patma found growing in association with 2 different species of Tetrastigma (T. leucostaphyllum and T. scariosum). The total number of R. patma buds during the study (2004-2005) in one colony is very volatile with a declining trend since the beginning of the census. Size class composition showed that the smallest size (F1) dominates the total population, while further phases (F2 and F3) showed approximately the same amount. The high numbers of the smallest size bud were also followed by a high death rate. Growth and development of R. patma in the host plant determined by its complex environmental factors. In R. patma, the survival of new recruits and existing bud is also determined by the physiological conditions of host the plants. Prosiding Seminar Nasional “Konservasi Tumbuhan Tropika: Kondisi Terkini dan Tantangan ke Depan” Cibodas, 7 April 2011. Kebun Raya Cibodas. Hal. 358-362 ISBN 978-979-99448-6-3

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