Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Penelitian zat hara fosfat dan nitrat telah dilakukan di perairan Kur dan Tayand...
Telah dilakukan pengukuran kandungan klorofil-a fitoplankton pada bulan Juli dan...
Ambon Bay coastal region has the potential of fisheries resources and some of ma...
The physical oceanographic condition of the western waters of Sumatera was obser...
Dalam tahun anggaran 1992/1993, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Politik dan Ke...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Kualitas Air Perairan Tayando Yamtel Ditinjau Dari Aspek Kimia Hara Dan Fisika Oseanografi
Mariculture activity had been failure caused by diseases and water pollution. Water quality especially nutrient and physical oceanographic factors can enhance production of fisheries and mariculture, and therefore research on apropriate site selection for cultivan must be conducted. The aimed of this research is to investigate water quality due to mariculture reviewed from nutrient and other parameters which are the indicators of fertility in Tayando Yamtel waters. Research of water quality have been done in May 2012. This research use specific method to analize nutrient and oceanographic factors. The factors i.e. temperature, salinity, transparancy, velocity, whereas nutrient factors which are phospate, nitrate, Silicate, pH, Dissolved Oxigen. The result show that water quality in Tayando Yamtel waters still at secure for coastal and marine biotas. Neritic Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah (ilmu kelautan dan perikanan), Tahun 2013, Volume 3 nomor 2 , 61 Hal