Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Tetraselmis suecica memiliki potensi sebagai bahan baku dalam dunia industri. Pe...
Penelitian mengenai energi alternatif berbasis material perovskite saat ini teng...
Proses dekomposisi dolomit menjadi MgO dan CaO merupakan proses penting menginga...
Diagram temperatur-salinitas (T-S) perairan penting untuk dipahami karena berman...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komunikasi dan kerjasama tim ...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Pengaruh suhu dan salinitas terhadap Bivalvia
The existence of a bivalve in a given environment implies that the bivalve has succeeded or survived in the presence of all the abiotic and biotic influencesthat impinge upon it included temperature and salinity.Temperature and salinity not only limits the spatial distribution of bivalves,but also is a major controlling factor in many physiological rate processes, e.g.,feeding and growth, larva settlement, rates of respiration, clearance, excretion and absorption efficiency, and the endogenous rhythm. The majority of marine bivalves have temperature and salinity tolerant range. At the extremes condition, bivalves have some mechanisms and ability to control their metabolism activity. Marine bivalves can withstand marked changes in temperature and salinity by closing their shell valves for several days in order to reducing energy expenditure, which is particularly important as “energy conservation” function. Oseana. 2013. Vol. 38 (2): 1-10