Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Cymbidium hartinahianum di habitat aslinya terancam punah, oleh sebab itu dilaku...
Cymbidium hartinahianum with common name anggrek Tien Soeharto or anggrek hartin...
Cibotium barometz, one of the members of the Cibotiacea family, is potentially a...
Triploid plants are very vigorous and beneficial since they generally produce se...
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Penggunaan Bahan Organik Untuk Pembesaran Kultur In-Vitro Anggrek (Phalaenopsis Fuscata Rchb.F.)
Phalaenopsis fuscata Rchb.f. is one type of orchid month that has not been widely studied. However, the potential of natural orchid is quite promising for breeding material or as an attractive ornamental plant, and thus their existence in nature is feared that more hunted by the people. This study aimed to obtain the composition of organic materials that can spur growth and enlargement of orchids R fuscata in vitro. The results of orchid seedlings consisting of1-2 leaves subcultured into medium base Knudson C (KC) with or without the addition of organic material in the form of coconut milk, extracts of bean sprouts. sweet potatoes, and an bananas or a combination. Observations were made every month for 12 months to saw the percentage of growth, plant stature, leaf number and length, and the number and length of roots. The observation results showed the percentage of live R fuscata on all types of media rangingfrom 53.85 to 100% magnification. The percentage grew 100% found in KC medium with the addition ofbanana, coconut water-extract of bean sprouts, and coconut milk + banana. However, most plants stocky stature, with long leaves and the highest number of roots is only found in KC medium with the addition of coconut milk and bananas. Penggunaan bahan organik untuk pembesaran kultur in-vitro anggrek (Phalaenopsis fuscata Rchb.f.). Berkala Penelitian Hayati, Edisi Khusus: 7A, 2011. hal. 133-137