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Asosiasi Balanophora elongata Blume dengan Tumbuhan Bawah di Hutan Kawasan Kebun...

Balanopohora elongata Blume merupakan tumbuhan holoparasit pada akar tumbuhan la...

Keanekaragaman dan Komposisi Tumbuhan Epifit Berpembuluh pada Paku Tiang (Cyathe...

Tree ferns are important horticultural commodities for ornamental plant and plan...

Konservasi Eksitu Jenis Begonia Alam Pegunungan Sumatra di Kebun Raya Cibodas, ...

Conservation activities of native Begonia species from the mountain Sumatera wer...

Sebaran Spasial Spesies Pohon Dominan Di Kawasan Hutan Wornojiwo, Kebun Raya Cib...

Wornojiwo adalah salah satu kawasan hutan tersisa yang berlokasi di Kebun Raya C...

Pemekaran bunga Hibiscus di Kebun Raya Cibodas

Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pemekaran bunga Hibiscus yang dilakukan di Ke...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Penyebaran Tumbuhan Asing di Hutan Wornojiwo Kebun Raya Cibodas, Cianjur, Jawa Barat


Formely, Cibodas Botanic Garden (CBG) was set apart for plants which are unable to withstand the warmer climate of Buitenzorg; more especially for those which are collected in the higher regions of Dutch’s colony. It was also used for those imported from subtropical regions for economic or ornamental purposes (Dakkus, 1926). Approximately 42% plants collected in CBG are non-native species at present. Backer (1936) said CBG was one of disperse source of the alien species of plant in Java. Almost 10% of CBG is forested area, including remnant forests and the forest connecting with the natural forest of Mt. Gede-Pangrango National Park. In 2007 - 2010 2.84 hectare permanent plots have been established in remnant forest of CBG. The study has been conducted in June – July 2010. The forest described by purposive random sampling of 17.7% of all area plot permanent. Data was analyzed by Importance Value Index (IVI) and evenness index (E). Distribution pattern of alien species of plant observed by census all of the permanent plot using presence – absence method and analysed by Morisita’s Dispersion Index (Is). The study found 15 alien species of plant in Wornojiwo Forest; Chimonobambusa quadrangularis Makino, Bartlettina sordida (Less.) R.M.King & H.Rob., Piper aduncum L., Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl., Cestrum elegans (Lindl.) Standl., Clidemia hirta (L.) D.Don, Calathea lietzei E.Morren, Ageratina riparia (Regel) R.M.King & H.Rob., Austroeupatorium inulifolium (Kunth) R.M.King & H.Rob., Sanchezia nobilis Hook.f., Montanoa grandiflora DC., M. hibiscifolia Benth, Strobilanthes hamiltoniana (Steud.), Passiflora edulis Sims and Brugmansia candida Pers. Based on the IVI, Cestrum aurantiacum has the highest contribution to the Wornojiwo forest community in each tree stands catagory. The Is values of the alien plants species in Wornojiwo forest are < 1), mean the plants regularly distributed, except Strobilanthes hamiltoniana (Steud.) < 1, clustered distributed. Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl. should have more attention, because of it potential invasiveness in accord with the wide spread and domination in the community. Prosiding Seminar Nasional “Konservasi Tumbuhan Tropika: Kondisi Terkini dan Tantangan ke Depan”. Hal. 550-558 ISBN 978-979-99448-6-3

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