Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Formely, Cibodas Botanic Garden (CBG) was set apart for plants which are unable ...
Interdisciplinary study on diversity, habitat, and potency of Piper spp. has con...
Conservation activities of native Begonia species from the mountain Sumatera wer...
Kawasan hutan di Pulau Batam terdiri atas lindung dan taman wisata alam. Luas pe...
Balanopohora elongata Blume merupakan tumbuhan holoparasit pada akar tumbuhan la...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Keanekaragaman dan Komposisi Tumbuhan Epifit Berpembuluh pada Paku Tiang (Cyathea spp.) di Kebun Raya Cibodas, Jawa Barat
Tree ferns are important horticultural commodities for ornamental plant and planting medium. These ferns are also ecologically important for the habitat of vascular epiphytes. The information on the relationship of tree ferns and vascular epiphytes is still limited, so that it is important to be studied for supporting its management in Cibodas Botanic Garden. This study aimed to study the diversity and composition of vascular epiphytes on wild tree ferns in Cibodas Botanic Garden. The census of vascular epiphytes on 30 individuals of Cyathea contaminans and 30 individuals of Cyathea junghuhniana had been conducted. About 3,034 individuals of vascular epiphytes were recorded belongs to 138 species and 51 families. The species richness of vascular epiphytes on C. contaminans was 95 species and higher than C. junghuhniana (86 species). The abundance of vascular epiphytes on C. contaminans was 1,820 individuals and higher than C. junghuhniana (1,214 individuals). Shannon-Wiener index of vascular epiphytes on C. contaminans was 3.13 and lower than C. junghuhniana (3.67). The species composition of both hosts comprised 108 species of spermatophytes and 31 species of ferns. The highest species richness on C. contaminans was Polypodiaceae, followed by Poaceae and Orchidaceae, whereas Moraceae, Polypodiaceae and Urticaceae were the highest species richness on C. junghuhniana. The vascular epiphytes of tree ferns in Cibodas Botanic Garden had a relatively high diversity. The management of tree ferns would support the conservation of vascular epiphytes in Cibodas Botanic Garden. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia, Vol. 3, No. 3. Hal. 453-460 ISSN 2407-8050