Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Observation of breeding activities and growth of pink-bellied Snapping turtles M...
The attempt to breed Red-bellied Short-necked Turtle (Emydura subglobosai) was s...
Produktivitas kura-kura Elseya rhodini generasi pertama (F1) yang dipelihara dal...
Produktivitas kura-kura Elseya rhodini Thomson 2015 generasi pertama (F1 ...
Five turtle species were traded in Central Java and Yogyakarta Provinces, includ...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Pertumbuhan Kura-Kura Dada Merah Jambu Myuchelys Novaeguineae Schultzei (Voght, 1911) Di Penangkaran
The growth and development of Myuchelys novaeguineae schultzei was observed in the captivity. Eight hatchlings within the age of 2-32 months were reared in plastic tanks and ponds. Turtles were fed with koi pellets once a day and boiled tuna fish twice a week. After 32 months, the body weight increased up to 485 grams in females and 535 grams in males. Similarly, the carapace length also increased up to 120.26 mm in females and 127.24 mm in males, while carapace width increased up to 88.02 mm in females and 88.05 mm in males. Growth analysis on age base is also discussed. Fauna Indonesia Vol. 11 No. 1 Juni 2012. P : 11 -15