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Pertumbuhan Planlet Kantong Semar (Nepenthes Rafflesiana Jack.) Pada Beberapa Media Tanam Selama Tahap Aklimatisasi
The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of acclimatization media on N. rafflesiana Jack. growth and to obtain the best acclimatization media. This research was conducted at Bogor Botanical Garden from June until September 2009. The research was done in completely randomized design with three replications. Five kinds media were used as treatment, i.e. rice husk charcoal, cocopeat, sphagnum moss, bamboo leaf compost and combination media rice (rice husk charcoal : cocopeat = 1:1). The result showed that all of the media can be used to acclimate N.rafflesiana Jack. planlet. J. Hort. Indonesia 4(3): 124-130 Desember 2013.