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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
The Feed Readiness In Small Scale Farms As The Adaptation Strategy Toward The Cl...

Sumber daya flora lokal untuk pakan memiliki nilai penting, khususnya untuk keta...

Pilot Scale Technology for Production Organic Biofertilizer Powder Starter to Su...

Application of organic biofertilizer is rising due to enhancement in nutrient up...

Rice Improvement in Anticipation to The Impact of Global Climate Change at-LIPI,...

Rice prone to loses due to biotic and abiotic stresses. Global climate change, c...

Sempupu Island Nature Reserve: a Contribution to Small Island’s Plant Diversity ...

Plants give us everything - food, medicine, shelter, fiber, fuel, air, and water...

Strategy On Promoting Microbial Growth Of Methanothrophic Bacteria To Enhance Pa...

Food security of Indonesia is problematic due for four reasons: land shortage, l...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Pro-Poor Technology In Small Scale Farming For Adaptation To Climate Anomalies


The objective of study was to assess the role of local biodiversity resources and pro-poor technology input on the ability of local community (community resilience) to face the impact of weather or climate anomalies. Local resources of floral feed have a significance sense to farmer community resilience faced climate anomalies impact, particularly in some certain local farmer in the dry land of northern and eastern small island of Bali, Indonesia. Forage availability was influenced by on water shortage. Climate anomaly impact to perceive rainfall shifting, even to the dry season period began. In Bali, peak of dry climate crisis in 2004 led to feed even to food scarcity. Those above problems should be anticipated by enthusiasm of local farmer communities. Due to this obscurity, studies had been summarized on the potential of floral forage resources. This study examines in attempt to identify local forage sources utilized as feed and silage during the transition and along the dry season. Results of the current assessment concluded that silage fermentation was acceptable for the forage preservation in effort to maintain feed availability as livestock favor. Main study was verifying the role of fermentative and hydrolyzing microbes, particularly Lactobacillus plantarum. The output of the representation work could become a reference in addressing for adaptation response through the application of functional microbial technology involvement in the small local cattle management activities, in particular for silage handling to keep the feed quality and its continuity of the supply. Proceeding of 2013 International Seminar on Climate Change and Food Security (ISCCFS) 2013. Palembang, South Sumatra-Indonesia, 24-25 October 2013. P: 13-16

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