Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Telah dilakukan kegiatan pelarutan bijih besi dari Simpang Rusa yang tidak lengk...
Pada penelitian ini dilakukan uji pelarutan asam kuat terhadap terak timah yang ...
Penelitian untuk mempelajari kinetika reaksi pelarutan tembaga dari malachite ke...
Telah dilakukan penelitian pembuatan serbuk α-Fe2O3 dari bijih besi primer dari ...
Terak timah hasil dari proses peleburan konsentrat bijih timah logam timah, meru...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Proses Pelarutan Bijih Dolomit Dalam Larutan Asam Klorida
Leaching is important process in the preparation of dolomite processing so that it can be used in various applications in the industry. One of the most important factors in the leaching is the concentration of the solvent and the process temperature. To determine the effect of these parameters, then the leaching of dolomite by using a solution of hydrochloric acid was investigated. This study aims to determine the effect of acid concentration and process temperature in the leaching of dolomite using hydrochloric acid. The leaching process was carried out on 20 gram samples of dolomite with acid concentrations of 1, 2, 3, 4 N at 30, 50, 70, 90 oC.The leaching process was conducted on 20gram samples of dolomite with acid concentrations of 1, 2, 3, 4 N at 30, 50, 70 and 90 oC. The experimental results indicate that the extraction of magnesium and calcium tends to increase along with the increase of acid concentration and temperature of the leaching process. Teh optimum leaching process of dolomite is achieved at a temperature of 30 oC with a concentration of 4 N HCl for5 hours with calcium and magnesium extracted about 60.31 persen and 25.79 persen.Keywords: Hydrochloric acid, Dolomite, Calsium-magnesium, Leaching. Seminar Sains dan Teknologi 2016